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Service Request

大学附属的社交媒体账户是最公开可见的营销方式之一 tools we have. Whether for a club, a program, or the college as a whole, the images and words used on social media platforms are a reflection of the institution. 因此, 重要的是,每个社交媒体账户都要使用正确的语法和拼写, tasteful photos, and maintain a professional tone.

The 社交媒体 Specialist is available to assist with the following:

  • Helping your department/group develop a social media strategy
  • Posting about large events that will have wide appeal. This incl乌兰s service oriented 活动,全国性或地区性的活动,校外团体来校园, or events that help promote departments
  • 培训社交媒体的基本操作方法,从简单的帖子到流媒体直播

A few things to keep in mind:

  • 请不要在与社交媒体咨询之前开设新的社交媒体账户 Media Specialist.
  • We get many requests for event 发布s on the 雪的大学 accounts. If the target 您的活动的观众是目前雪学院的学生,MySnow门户网站是 best place to advertise.
  • 如果你的教室里发生了令人兴奋的事情,请随时发送照片 to the 社交媒体 Specialist. While we won’t be able to utilize all photos or videos sent, we will use what we can for department highlights. Better yet, if you have a 讲座或演示即将到来,将展示动手学习或学生 engagement, let our photographer know. When 可能的, our office will send someone to get a few photos for marketing purposes.

Please contact Tyler Smith in the Office of Creative Services & Communication regarding 雪的大学 社交媒体 at 435.283.7016 or 乌兰.wons@7htims.relyt

社交媒体 Guidelines

社交媒体工具、用途和挑战不断发展,大学也在不断发展 monitors our strategies and best practices for using these media outlets. 以下 对于那些发起涉及学校的社交媒体推送的人,它的指导方针是 departments, programs, groups, organizations and individuals. It is also a reference 对于那些管理现有feed的人来说,让学院在社交媒体上的沟通更加努力 are as consistent as 可能的.

雪学院官方社交媒体网站应在雪学院的管辖范围内 雪的大学’s United States of America Registered Service Mark No. 4,579,457 for official use by and the benefit for 雪的大学.

雪学院致力于培养一个教育环境,允许 美国宪法第一修正案规定的言论和表达自由.S. 宪法. However, the College will not tolerate any activity or 发布 on an 官方大学社交媒体网站,失去了宪法第一修正案的保护 非法的、诽谤的或淫秽的(根据犹他州和联邦法律的定义)活动或 发布. The College reserves the right to remove any such 发布 without notice. 学院还保留将社交媒体活动推荐给适用学生的权利 social media platform and/or appropriate authorities for appropriate action.

这些指导方针适用于参与的教职员工,包括学生雇员 在与工作相关的网络对话中,或者被主管询问时 使用或参与社交媒体作为其工作职责的一部分.

  • 员工使用-当使用社交媒体作为其公务的一部分时,和/或 在社交媒体环境中以学院代表、员工的身份展示自己 必须遵守学校管理员工行为和可接受的政策 use of electronic and information resources.
  • 创意服务和传播办公室将监督PG电子官方免费下载 在所有社交网站上的存在,并应评估是否启动一个存在 on any new sites or platforms as they become available.
  • Managers, editors, contributors, etc. of Official College 社交媒体 Sites shall 阅读,理解并遵循学院的社交媒体政策,指导方针和最佳 实践和使用适当的雪学院标签(#)包含在学院 website but you are not limited to only using 雪的大学 hashtags(#).
  • 学院官方社交媒体网站的主要管理/编辑权将 be assigned only to College employees. Official College 社交媒体 Sites will have a minimum of two managers to ensure that the site is consistently managed. 应该 如果一个管理器不可用,将分配另一个管理器来管理站点. 两名管理人员中至少有一名应是学院的创意服务办公室 and Communications.
  • 发布到社交媒体平台的所有内容都取决于ADA的遵守情况 of the specific platforms to which the posts are submitted. Accessibility guidelines 适用于社交媒体平台上的内容,而不是特性或功能 of the platform. If the platform does not provide an accessible feature, it is not in violation of College’s accessibility guidelines.
  • 所有学院官方社交媒体网站必须尊重和不侵犯知识产权 property rights, federal Copyright law and College policies.
  • 雪的大学不对发布的内容进行预筛选,但有权删除; 在其自行决定,任何内容,它认为违反政策或指导方针. 学院不对第三方发布的内容背书或承担责任. 所有现有的网站或页面代表雪学院定期审查和 may be amended or, when necessary, removed.
  • PG电子官方免费下载的社交媒体网站不是为了个人利益或收益,也不是为了利益 or gain of any other individuals or outside organizations.
  • Respect copyright, fair use, and financial disclosure laws. Strive for accuracy and give credit where credit is due. When using the thoughts, ideas, quotes, pictures, 视频等等. of other parties, give them credit for their work. Provide a link when 可能的.

New 社交媒体 Account Approval Process

  • 申请一个新的学院社交媒体网站的部门或办公室,部门 提出请求的实体的负责人或俱乐部顾问应在线提交请求 form for the department, office or organization. The submitter shall have read and 了解雪学院社交媒体政策、社交媒体指南和Best 实践,并同意管理社交媒体的责任和用途 存在.
  • 申请新社交媒体网站的表格可在学院办公室获得 of Creative Services and Communications website.
  • 该申请提交给了学院的创意服务和传播办公室 是否会与部门主管进行审查和讨论,要求是否满足 《PG电子官方免费下载》中包含的社交媒体计划的批准标准 Policy and Guidelines. Advisors for st乌兰nt clubs must also receive approval by the Director of 学生生活. Upon approval of a new social media site, the Office of 创意服务和通信将创建新的网站,并分配访问权限 the site to the submitter or assignee.
  • 编辑参与的程度,将强制为学院的存在或 在社交媒体网站上提交的内容应被识别并达成一致 创意服务和传播办公室和部门/办公室 the approval process.

雪的大学 Portal Guidelines

雪学院致力于培养一个教育环境,允许 美国宪法第一修正案规定的言论和表达自由.S. 宪法. However, the College will not tolerate any activity or 发布 on the 我的门户网站失去了第一修正案的保护,比如任何非法,诽谤, or obscene (as defined by Utah and federal law) activity or 发布. The College reserves 有权删除任何张贴而不另行通知,你可能会失去权利 post on the portal.

These guidelines apply to faculty, staff, and st乌兰nts.

What unlawful, defamatory, or obscene activity or 发布 may incl乌兰:

  • 没有不敬的言语
  • No references to illegal activities
  • No sexual content, or references to sexual activities
  • No bullying or harassment of any kind
  • 没有垃圾邮件
  • Please respect the privacy of others
任何不遵守这些准则的帖子都将被删除,并会通知你 via email and/or notification within the portal. After three deleted posts, you will no longer be able to post on the portal. You may appeal this decision with the Dean 的学生.

Best Practices

Posts must be made in the correct channels, and the correct channels only. 例如, items for sale go in the Buy & Sell channel, found items in the Lost & 发现等. If they are not posted in the correct channels, they will be deleted. This will not count as a violation.